
The easiest, fastest, and most efficient way to A/B test, powered by AI. Generate, design & launch A/B tests automatically and optimize the conversion of your website on autopilot.

A/B testing is hard and time-consuming.

It is about time the Conversion Rate Optimization game changed.

Meet ABtesting.ai!

ABtesting.ai is the conversion rate optimization tool powered by AI. The tool generates, creates, designs and combines different variations of your landing pages and tests them at scale. 

Don’t have tons of traffic? No worries! ABtesting.ai uses the ‘Multi-armed Bandit Testing’ approach, which means that it needs less traffic to complete an experiment and doesn’t lose any conversion while testing.


Boost conversion rates of any landing page, with the AI-powered automated A/B testing platform.
Generate high-performing landing page copy in multiple languages with AI, powered by GPT-3.
Generate multiple variations in seconds and let the AI find the highest performing combination.
Works lightning fast on all websites, from WordPress, to Wix, to any custom-built site.

Step 1: Add your website

You can set up any experiment in 10 minutes:

Simply add your URL and the tool will scan your site that to identify the most important elements to test, presenting them to you on the next step.

The software recognizes titles, page copy, images, and buttons.

ABtesting.ai is Web Builder-agnostic.

You can make the tool work with any website builder. No exceptions.

The snippet is super lightweight, meaning that it won’t slow down your load speed at all.

Step 2: Generate the variations automatically

ABtesting will run all the page’s content through the AI, and will give you text suggestions based on that content, for every element you feel like testing (Headlines, Copy and CTAs).

You can easily edit the suggestions and add other elements to test.

Step 3: Select your conversion goal

Simply select the goal of your A/B test, for example, new sign-ups or increased revenues.

You can easily define conversion events by:

  • Using the Google Analytics integration, which lets you select any of your custom events as the conversion event for the test.
  • Letting the AI define it for you with our Smart Detection technology.
  • Using a Target URL (like a Thank you page).
  • Defining the conversion manually using a simple line of code.

Step 4: Launch & watch your conversion rates grow

Simply hit ‘Launch’ and your experiment will start. The AI will focus solely on improving your conversion rates, even with low amounts of traffic.

The tool learns extremely fast and will show the best-performing versions to your visitors automatically, so you won’t lose any money.

One of the best A/B testing platforms available according to HubSpot

What makes it unique is that it can test multiple variables at the same time, showing different combinations of elements until there's a clear, statistically significant winner for the page. This makes it a great option for marketers who need a set-it-and-forget-it solution where the machine does all the work.


How Toyota increased their conversion rates by 18% with automated A/B testing

Toyota was launching a campaign to get leads for their Toyota Prius C model. They decided to use ABtesting.ai to optimize their landing page.

Talking about the 40% savings on gas people could make with the hybrid technology, boosted the conversion rate by 18%.

Trusted by world-class brands

It's like having a growth marketer working 24/7 for your business

ABtesting.ai is the easiest, fastest and most efficient way to A/B test and optimize the conversion of your website on autopilot. 

Normally you would pay up to $924/year, but for a limited time only you can get lifetime access starting at $59 one-time.

Get the deal while stock lasts!

ABtesting.ai Starter Plan Lifetime Subscription

  • Lifetime access to ABtesting.ai Starter plan
  • AI-Powered Conversion Rate Optimization Platform
  • 8000 unique visitors/month
  • Generate 30 AI variations/month
  • Unlimited experiments
  • Unlimited variations
  • Unlimited sites/domains
  • Advanced Analytics Dashboard
  • Advanced Segmentation
  • Google Analytics Integration
  • Integration with all website builders
  • All future updates included
  • 30-day Credit Back Guarantee

ABtesting.ai Professional Plan Lifetime Subscription

  • Lifetime access to ABtesting.ai Professional plan
  • AI-Powered Conversion Rate Optimization Platform
  • 40,000 unique visitors/month
  • Generate 100 AI variations/month
  • Unlimited experiments
  • Unlimited variations
  • Unlimited sites/domains
  • Advanced Analytics Dashboard
  • Advanced Segmentation
  • Google Analytics Integration
  • Integration with all website builders
  • All future updates included
  • 30-day Credit Back Guarantee

Add-on 20,000 additional visitors/month

  • Add 20,000 extra unique visitors/month
  • Additional visitors on top of your selected plan
  • You can stack unlimited add-ons to increase visitors/month
  • 30-day Credit Back Guarantee

Add-on 50,000 additional visitors/month

  • Add 50,000 extra unique visitors/month
  • Additional visitors on top of your selected plan
  • You can stack unlimited add-ons to increase visitors/month
  • 30-day Credit Back Guarantee

Add-on 100,000 additional visitors/month

  • Add 100,000 extra unique visitors/month
  • Additional visitors on top of your selected plan
  • You can stack unlimited add-ons to increase visitors/month
  • 30-day Credit Back Guarantee

How many visits do I need to start seeing results?

The short answer is between 1.5k to 2k Unique Visitors. The long answer? Well, that with Multi-armed Bandit you never know! We’ve seen experiments end with around 400 Unique Visitors if the difference in Conversion Rate between the variations is big enough.

Can it break the layout of my page?

No. The tool is designed to respect the size and CSS of the elements of your page. You can see a preview of each variation before going live with the A/B test, both on the mobile and desktop versions. Once you integrate our javascript snippet, you can also check out the live versions.

Will this test affect my SEO?

The ABtesting.ai tool has been created specifically to not affect the organic ranking of a page in any way.

For how long are you showing the same version to the same user?

We don’t want your user to feel confused about changing titles or copy, so the same variation is shown for each user every time the user visits your site.

Do you have a public roadmap available?

Yes! You can find the roadmap here.

Will I get access to future updates?

Yes, you will get access to all future updates, templates and integrations.

How can I activate the deal?

After purchasing you will get a unique activation code in your mailbox. Simply sign-up and your deal is activated!

What if I’m not 100% satisfied?

We offer a hassle-free 30-day Credit Back Guarantee, just drop us a message and we will make sure to process the refund as soon as possible.

Where can I find more information on ABtesting.ai?

Feel free to check their website for more information on the product.

Founder’s Note

Hi all 👋

I'm Gonzalo, co-founder of ABtesting.ai.

Choosing what to test on your landing page is actually a hard task. Many A/B tests will fail not because you don't have enough visits on your page but because you chose the wrong things to test and the things you chose will not actually change in any measurable way your conversion rate. So you might get stuck running an A/B test for months trying to achieve some statistical significance on a 0.5% conversion rate improvement.

That is why we built ABtesting.ai, an AI-based platform that intelligently suggests what to change on your landing page so you can achieve a higher conversion rate and will run A/B tests to rigorously determine if there's an improvement.

Looking forward to hearing your feedback!

Gonzalo MordeckiCo-founder of ABtesting.ai


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Questions & Comments


  • msaglobal80 says:

    Can you change the layout of the landing page for an AB test , looking at the youtube videos, it seems the landing page layout stays the same, its just changes text and images? if not, is that something that you are working on?

    • Franco (ABtesting.ai) says:

      Hi there!
      Right now we only offer content testing, but our aim is also on layout testing.

      If you go to the Q&A section, you’ll find our roadmap. There you can see what our plans look like 🙂

  • msaglobal80 says:

    does it work on shopify, if so is there a video explaining the process?

  • DigitalMarketing says:


    I have a clickable phone number on the landing page and a chatbot. I consider conversion if any one of these gets fulfilled:
    1) If visitor clicks on a phone number link on the web page (from his/her mobile device)
    2) If user opens the chatbot
    3) Or if user spends at least 2 minutes on the landing page.

    If any one of these three conditions are met, consider it as conversion. Is it possible to measure these conversions using ABTesting.ai?

    • Franco (ABtesting.ai) says:

      We have an Analytics integration for setting the conversion event that lets you select any custom conversion event you have set at your Analytics as the CE of the experiment.

      Right now we only allow choosing one event at a time, but we want to make it possible to select multiple, so we can provide a solution to a case like yours!

  • DigitalMarketing says:

    I am interested in purchasing Pro plan but have few questions:

    1) What does “Generate 100 AI variations/month” exactly mean? How does that work and how would I know if that is sufficient or too much for me?

    2) Some of my customers websites have very little traffic like approx. 7-8 visitors per day (i.e. approx 200-350 visitors per month) but I still want to AB test their landing page because I have seen huge bounce rate on their websites. So, can I still use this product on such low traffic sites? Will your product still perform best on such low traffic sites?

    3) You mentioned above that “Fine tuned AI” is not included in the Pro LTD plan. So, does that mean that your product will not show best performing version to my visitors? If that is so then whats the point in buying this? Am I missing something here?


    • Franco (ABtesting.ai) says:

      Hi there, Co-founder and COO here 🙂

      1) The AI variations are GPT-3 text suggestions that are generated based on the content of your site, to help you with the copywriting of the elements you want to test. We have a little button that says “Get more suggestions”, and what “Generate 100 AI variations/month” means is that you’ll be able to click that button a total of 100 times/month.

      2) We offer the possibility to toggle down the confidence level, and also to set a time limit to the experiments, if you just want to do quick tests without thinking too much of the statistical significance of the results. Nonetheless, our Multi-armed Bandit approach doesn’t need that much traffic to reach statistical significance.

      3) “Fine tuned AI” means that, we will train the AI based on your specific users data to improve even more the performance of the tests. This feature has been taken down from the Business plan because it has been added to our road map for general use. Also, you’ll need a lot of traffic to take advantage of this feature, so I wouldn’t care about it right now!

      BTW: You can find our roadmap in the Q&A section (below the Addons).

      Hope this helps!

      • DigitalMarketing says:

        Thanks for the reply. But my doubt no. 2 is still not clear. So what I understand in from your reply on #2 in simple words is that I can still use ABTesting.ai even with the low traffic landing pages having 200-250 visitors per month and your software will still be able to perform well in such low traffic scenario. Right? Or your software will perform only with high traffic sites?

        • Franco (ABtesting.ai) says:

          Our software can perform in low traffic scenarios, it will only take more time to get results!

          • msaglobal80 says:

            you said ” “Fine tuned AI” means that, we will train the AI based on your specific users data to improve even more the performance of the tests. This feature has been taken down from the Business plan because it has been added to our road map for general use”

            What does that mean??? do you mean that fine-tune AI now included in all plans?


  • Aristides Figueroa says:

    It is also lifetime support included in the LTD Offer?


  • Julien says:

    Can we create variants for specific elements of the url page (e.g. a paragraph)? I’m asking because it seems to suggest variations for main elements (hero section, headline, CTA) so I’m wondering if we can go more deep into details when creating the variations to change any text element.

    • Franco Gobbo says:

      Hi there! Sorry for the late reply. The main elements are just fetched to give some guidance to the user. In the second step, you have a visual selector that lets you literally test any element on the site. When you get to that step, just look for the button “Fetch more elements” on the top-right corner of the setup box 🙂

  • Laura says:

    Can you limit the number of variations? Can you system prioritize variations based on its intelligence and the probability it has to increase the number of desired action?
    I’m asking this because I’m thinking of using this for a website that has moderate trafic.

  • Naftalie says:

    Can i A/B test multipe domains at the same time. For example i have 2 sites. Can i A/B test them on the same day? Wil it test site A at 2 pm and site B on 3 pm for example? Does it work like that? And if you can A/B test multiple sites at the same day, what is the limit? Response appreciated! thx

    • Tom van den Heuvel says:

      Hi Naftalie,

      Thanks for your question. Yes you can! You can test multiple websites as the same time, there is no limit there, you simply have a limit on the total visits/month, but you can spread it across multiple websites. Hope that helps! 🙂

  • Neil says:

    does it work if my website uses another language? like Mandarin?

    • Tom van den Heuvel says:

      Hi Neil,

      Thanks for your question. Yes it does! However you need to add copy suggestions yourself, all other features work fully.

      Hope that helps 🙂

  • Thierry says:

    Im not familiar with AB Testing so forgive my question …
    Does this work the same way regardless what page builder I am using? Our does that have no influence at all on this tool?

    • Tom van den Heuvel says:

      Hi Thierry,

      Thanks for your question. You can use any page builder tool, it does not have an influence on the ABtesting.ai tool 🙂

      Hope that helps!

      – Tom

  • raycovers says:

    Is the ONLY difference between Starter vs Professional is in the monthly visitors?
    Because if it is, Starter + $99 addon is already cheaper than the Professional plan. Am I correct?

    • Tom van den Heuvel says:

      Hi Ray,

      Currently the only difference is the visitors per month. However, please note that the future updates may be different for the Starter plan (only including features for Starter plan in the future as well) and the Pro plan (which will include future Pro features).

      Hope that helps 🙂

      – Tom

  • Erwin says:

    Aside from two questions I added in response to other questions asked above, here are two that haven’t been asked yet:
    1) If a visitor is presented with variant ‘A’ (for simplicity let’s call it ‘A’ and that could be the specific combination of elements) and the visitor leaves. Then they come back two days later, what will they see? The same variant ‘A’ they saw two days earlier or are they presented with a new variant (B, C, … or even variant ‘A’ as it’s part of the random choices, but that would be pure coincidence)?
    2) the multi-armed bandit algorithm, is this multi-variate testing?

    • Erwin says:

      Ok, I found the answer to these two questions in your FAQ.
      But I’m concerned about the cookie placement for the system to remember what option has been presented. Concern regarding both the cookielaws and GDPR. Is server side storage an option?
      For example (anonymized) IP address (83.169.14.xxx or if no GDPR compliance is necessary: or would that be a problem if a mobile/laptop is used?

      • Glenn says:

        I’m also concerned about the GDPR, how does the service handle it?

        • Tom van den Heuvel says:

          Hi Glenn,

          I can also confirm that ABtesting.ai is GDPR approved. They use anonymous session cookies, which is temporary and disappears after you close your browser, which is fully GDPR approved 🙂

          – Tom

          • Glenn says:

            Hi Tom,
            JumpStory is the company behind ABtesting.ai?
            I couldn’t find this on their site. Would be nice if they could include some info about their GDPR compliance on their website.

          • Tom van den Heuvel says:

            Hi Glenn,

            Oops, mistake on my end, I was just replying to a comment on JumpStory and mixed these up, apologies! I have edited the comment.

            Just to be clear, JumpStory and ABtesting.ai are not affiliated in any way (this is another deal on our website). 🙂

            – Tom

  • Aditya Gaur says:

    I bought the starter plan meant to buy professional one. Can you please tell me how to upgrade.
    Also the limits are extremely low per month. Any chance you guys will increase it ?
    Also can i upgrade later to a higher deal once the LTD is over?
    Thank you

    • Tom van den Heuvel says:

      Hi Aditya,

      Thanks for your question. For upgrading, please reach out to [email protected] as we can virtually refund your original order and add these as credits to your Dealify account, so you can purchase the Professional plan. You can also increase the visitors/month further by purchasing the add-ons at Dealify.

      Hope that helps! 🙂

  • Francis says:

    Gonzalo ,

    Could you reply my earlier question before the video one , please ?
    Thank you.


  • Francis says:

    Sorry forgot another question …..

    What if the test page has a video embed , what will be tested ? Of course not the video content but todays landers or tests pages do include videos often .

    • Gonzalo says:


      The tool is getting the thumbnail of the video, and that’s the only thing that would change. If you don’t to test that element, just turn off the switch next to “Hero Image”.

      Hope that helps!

  • Francis says:

    I don’t see a business plan here only up to a Pro plan ?

    1) So we can use any plan for different domains based on segregation of traffic limits ?
    2) How many test variants does the AI do/perform with it suggestion engine per test page , since the basic test timeline can be 2 weeks ? ( Why I’m asking this is because there a products out there that run personalization at the same time with A/B testing and can do quite a large test count per test , so I’m trying to figure out whats the scope of your product )
    Since the pic above shows like 6 variants is that it or it does some other limits ?
    3)Do we feed the copy per variant or the AI is intelligent enough to know what the initial copy is about the product or services of that test page ?
    4) What kind of ways can we use this this A/B tests for Ecom site pages ?
    5) What if we want to test other pages in the same site which may be forms , lead magnet page or affiliate product type page ?

    • Gonzalo says:

      Hey Francis,

      I’m going to answer to everything 🙂

      You can’t purchase a Business plan here, but you can buy a Professional one and stack Add-Ons to go as high as you want on limits.

      1) Yes. The only limit is for the hole account, you can use as many domains and landing as you want.
      2) I’m not sure I understand your question. The first experiment usually runs 6 variations to start. It depends on conversions and traffic for how long. Once we reach statistical significance, we take the winning variant and automatically start running new test. We don’t have personalization yet, but is something we are looking to add.
      3) The AI automatically detects the copy and suggest variations. You can add new ones and edit the AI-generated ones.
      4) Mostly the home page and product pages.
      5) There’s no problem with that, you can test as many pages as you want to.

      Feel free to ask me again if something is not clear enough!

  • Markus says:

    1. is it only useful with English content or does it work with other languages too?
    2. can I test also site VS site?
    3. can I set a traffic limit and if this is reached, the winner site will get all traffic automatically?

    Thanks for your reply

    • Gonzalo says:


      1. It’s for every language. The only thing that is only in English is the AI-generated suggestions. In other languages, you have to introduce the variants yourself.

      2. Not for now. Is something we might approach down the road, but for now, the idea is to increase the conversion rate of a specific landing page.

      3. The tool is designed to do experiments in one site at a time The idea is that when one experiment ends, the AI grabs the wining element (for example Title B) and a new experiment starts automatically with the winning variant and new variations on other elements. That way you can run continuous optimization with AI. Of course, you can leave the winning variant when you want to.

      • Markus Gieringer says:

        Thank you Gonzalo for your reply.
        Do you use Cookie or other tracking technics which could be blocked by consent tools?
        If yes, is there a way to define a fallback version which will be shown if the user doesn’t consent the tracking?

      • Glenn says:

        Hi Gonzalo,

        Are there any plans to support other languages than English?

        • Tom van den Heuvel says:

          Hi Glenn,

          Happy to answer here. The ABtesting team has recently gotten access to GPT-3 OpenAI, meaning multi-language copy will most likely be supported when this is fully implemented. For exact languages you can best contact ABtesting.ai directly on their website for the fastest reply 🙂

          – Tom

  • Moe says:

    Can we use these limits across multiple domains, or are we limited to only one website?

    • Gonzalo says:

      Hey Moe!

      The limit is for the whole account, and you can use it with as many domains as you want!


  • Gustavo Waldman says:

    HI, do you have an integration with Shopify or can we use it by adding the code manually? Thanks

    • Tom van den Heuvel says:

      Hi Gustavo,

      Thanks for your question. You can simply add the code snippet to your Shopify shop and it will work! 🙂

      Hope that helps!

  • Glen says:

    Looks great, any chance of stacking to the business plan?

    • Tom van den Heuvel says:

      Hi Glen,

      Thanks for your question. It’s only possible to stack up to the Professional plan.

      Hope that helps 🙂

      – Tom

      • Erwin says:

        Huh, how does that work? When I stack two starters will that give me professional?
        That’s $119 vs $129…

        • Tom van den Heuvel says:

          Hi Erwin,

          We sell different plans on the page, so you can’t stack two starters, but separate LTD plans. So you can select the Professional plan for $129 and get access to the Professional plan. If you want even higher visitors per month, you can also purchase add-ons next to the plan to increase this.

          Hope that helps!

  • Asad says:

    Some questions:

    1) I see that the Business plan on the website has an additional feature of “Finetuned AI”. How is that better than the standard AI?

    2) How can we exclude specific elements on a page from being A/B tested again? So that we can use the winning variant permanently.

    3) How can we exclude specific pages from being A/B tested? Does the WordPress plugin support excluding specific page or post types?


    • Gonzalo says:

      1) We will use a finetuned AI model (aka trained on your own visitors data) for knowing which variations to show to each visitor. This is only possible if you have a lot of visitors data and that’s why it’s only included in the business plan. We’ve also done some models that classify text across multiple landing pages to analize what kind of content perform best across your whole site. (For example, a University with multiple landing pages)

      2) Our algorithm does that itself! It’s part of our value proposition.

      3) The wizard is in our product, the WordPress plugin is made to implement the experiment. You just set up experiments in our wizard for the desired URL’s.

      Feel free to ask any further questions!


      • Asad says:

        Following up on #2. So to clarify we can’t exclude certain elements on a page from an experiment? This is a deal breaker for me. We should have full control to determine what we want to experiment.

        • Tom van den Heuvel says:

          Hi Asad,

          Following up here for you. Yes you can exclude and include elements you want, as you don’t want to test litterally everything of course. You can select and exclude things you want to test when setting up the campaign. Hope that helps 🙂

        • Gonzalo says:

          Yes, of course, you can test whatever you want!

          Besides every element (for example “Title” or “Hero Image”) there is a switch to turn off the elements you don’t want to test.

          Hit me up if you have any more questions!


      • Jerry Verghese says:

        So the Professional plan mentioned above doesn’t have this “Finetuned AI” ….correct?

  • chris says:

    The visitor per month limit is based on people included in the experiment(s) right?

    • Tom van den Heuvel says:

      Hey Chris,

      Thanks for your question. Yes that is correct! It only counts people included in your experiment(s). Hope that helps 🙂

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